Veterinary staff training/ teaching/ general dental and radiology workshops/ lectures

As a part of our continuing education commitment, Mobile Pet Dentistry (MPD) often runs “in house” practice workshops. These can be half or full day dental workshops.

These workshops are aimed at both veterinarians and veterinary nurses/technicians.

We encourage all members of the practice to participate in these workshops, so that there is a team approach to promoting oral health for the practice’s patients as well as better educating clients in the benefits of good oral health for their pets.

Topics discussed include promoting veterinary dentistry, setting up a dental operatory including advice on equipment and instrumentation purchases, management of periodontal disease, homecare advice, complex dental extractions, local anaesthetic demonstrations, dental radiographic techniques and interpretation and more advanced dental procedures, such as vital pulp therapy, jaw fracture repair.

Testimonials: “Very informative and interesting. Great speaker”

“I just wanted to say a big thankyou for the effort and expertise that both you and Dr Kayo were so generous in distributing amongst our team. The feedback I have received has been amazing and the day seemed to flow very smoothly thanks to the organisation of Dr Camille, Dr Kayo and yourself. It is without doubt the best in-clinic training we have ever been a part of – and tremendous value for money as well.”
Iain, Practice owner, Fernvale Vet Surgery

Extractions – difficult, whole mouth extractions

Use of Vet Tome for mandibular canine extraction (Video):!AqHfrm7SY7jHkV71wJGG32x0N7PG?e=2HV71w

Dental radiology and radiographic interpretation

Endodontics – Root canal therapy and vital pulpotomy

Periodontics – Bone grafting, guided tissue regeneration

Orthodontics – Base narrow canine management, other malocclusions

Paedodontics – Oral pathology in juvenile patients

Management of jaw fracture and dental trauma cases

Oral surgery: tumours